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By The Colemere Realty Team

The Colemere Realty team has 58 years of combined experience in selling real estate and coaching agents. By using our hands-on mentoring system your business will grow while simultaneously allowing you the time for a balanced personal life.

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As real estate professionals in the Salt Lake area, we’ve observed a significant trend among agents. Many are seeking part-time work to supplement their income, despite Salt Lake County having over 9,000 home sales this year and generating substantial commissions. This scenario raises the question: why are some agents struggling?

The struggle seems to stem from the need for a solid approach to marketing, prospecting, and follow-up. In this competitive field, being different and working harder than ever is essential. But more than that, having a clear, actionable plan is crucial.

We’ve developed a game plan that’s proven effective and are more than willing to share it with those in need. If you’re an agent facing challenges, we invite you to reach out to us. Our plan is clear, concise, and offers daily actionable steps, showing promising results.

“If you feel you’re in a rut, contact us today.”

Our advice to fellow agents is not to give up on the industry. Instead, put your head down, work diligently, and follow a well-structured plan. With the right strategy, you can turn around your year and set yourself up for a successful 2024.

We are here to help. If you feel you’re in a rut, contact us today. We’d be honored to sit down with you, share our plan, and help you get back on track. Together, we can ensure a strong end to this year and a brighter outlook for 2024.

Want to work with us? Here are some ways to get involved.

  • Are you thinking about working with us? We’re hiring licensed real estate agents (and those who want to get their license). Join Our Team

  • Sign up for our free agent training newsletter right insights, tips, and Q&A to sell more homes with less work. Free Newsletter

  • Schedule your free strategy call to create a personalized plan to get more listings and buyers. Book a Free Call