The Colemere Realty Team profile image

By The Colemere Realty Team

The Colemere Realty team has 58 years of combined experience in selling real estate and coaching agents. By using our hands-on mentoring system your business will grow while simultaneously allowing you the time for a balanced personal life.

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We just wanted to thank you for coming to our last event. It was great seeing you! Did you miss it? Be sure to come to our next one in October. We can’t wait to meet you!

Our exciting and fun client appreciation event just wrapped up, and we had a blast. We got to see all of our friends and clients and enjoy the sense of community that these kinds of events bring.

Our agents will tell you that these events are a massive boon to their business. Not only do they reinforce the sense of trust that leads to referral business, but they also introduce plenty of new potential clients to Colemere Realty. 

Want to work with us? Here are some ways to get involved.

  • Are you thinking about working with us? We’re hiring licensed real estate agents (and those who want to get their license). Join Our Team

  • Sign up for our free agent training newsletter right insights, tips, and Q&A to sell more homes with less work. Free Newsletter

  • Schedule your free strategy call to create a personalized plan to get more listings and buyers. Book a Free Call

​​​This should give you some idea of the kind of company that we are. This is how we support both our clients and our team. If this sounds like the kind of group that you would like to belong to, we encourage you to reach out to us today. 

As always, for any questions about your real estate goals, don’t hesitate to call or email us. We’re always happy to hear from you!